Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Training and Development Procedures and Job Responsibilities

Question: Discuss about theTraining and Developmentfor Procedures and Job Responsibilities. Answer: Introduction It is the responsibility of the organization to provide proper training to the people who are new in the company. The main target of providing training to the new employee is to make him comfortable in the company culture as well as to the new technologies used by the company in the field of work. The study will describe about the importance of on job training in the workplace for a new employee. Techniques of Training to New Employee Training of a new employee can be of different types. In this circumstance, it can be said that training can be provided into two categories one is proper understanding of the company policies, procedures, job responsibilities, idea about company hierarchy, communication channel maintenance, etc (Tracey et al., 2014). On the other hand the second aspect of training will be provided on the basis of the technology training. The new employee will be provided training regarding the use of technologies, instruments, software, machineries, etc. for conducting the work (Sung Choi, 2014). The first phase of training will be provided by the employees associated with the human resource department of the organization. In this phase, the employee will be assessed in many ways in order to know the skills, expertise present in him as well as the nature of the employee so that appropriate methods of training will be provided to him in order to increase the ability of the new employee who will gel with the other existing employees of the organization (Karodia, Cowden Kum, 2014). The second phase of training is the technical training which will be provided by the professionals in the IT team as well as the professionals who are handling the instruments of the department in order to conduct the work. The organization must take some health and safety measures in the process of training so that the employee remains safe while using new technologies and instruments in the work (Fletcher, Alfes Robinson, 2016). Boadu et al., (2014) said that the company should perform a questioning session to the new employees so that it can decide the level of training he requires in order to perform the work as per the company regulations. Apart from that, it can be said that feedback session is important for every kind of training in the organizations. In this situation, feedback session will be introduced in the both kinds of training provided to the new employee (Ford, 2014). Feedback will help to know the problems faced by the employee in the workplace, his ideas regarding his discipline of work, the way of communication he wants to improve the training needs to him, etc. Feedback can be conducted by meeting, group discussion, online feedback form, filling questionnaires, one to one meeting with the team leader or the trainer, etc (Iqbal et al., 2014). Conclusion It can be concluded that though on job training is an expense to a company, but it helps the new employees to perform better in their designation of work while improving their skills and levels of expertise in their workplace. The feedback techniques is the most important techniques that helps in gaining an wider knowledge on the different aspects of training along with the benefits that the employee utilize after getting the on job training. References Boadu, F., Dwomo-Fokuo, E., Boakye, J. K., OwusuKwaning, C. (2014). Training and development: A tool for employee performance in the district assemblies in Ghana.International Journal of Education and Research,2(5), 513-522. Fletcher, L., Alfes, K., Robinson, D. (2016). The relationship between perceived training and development and employee retention: the mediating role of work attitudes.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-28. Ford, J. K. (2014).Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press. Iqbal, N., Ahmad, N., Haider, Z., Hamad, N., Mir, M. S. (2014). Impact of Training and Development on the Employee Performance: A Case Study From Different Banking Sectors of North Punjab.Nigerian Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review,2(4), 19-24. Karodia, A. M., Cowden, R., Kum, F. D. (2014). The impact of training and development on employee performance: A case study of ESCON Consulting.Singaporean Journal of Business, Economics and Management Studies,3(3), 72-105. Sung, S. Y., Choi, J. N. (2014). Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations.Journal of organizational behavior,35(3), 393-412. Tracey, J. B., Hinkin, T. R., Tran, T. L. B., Emigh, T., Kingra, M., Taylor, J., Thorek, D. (2015). A Field Study of New Employee Training Programs Industry Practices and Strategic Insights.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,56(4), 345-354.

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